Monday, August 6, 2012

Grower Challenge - 12 Lilies to Test Your Abilities

Difficult or temperamental lilies. Undoubtedly he will be useful to some of the specific quirks of some of our more difficult or temperament to discuss ...

Lilium auratum is actually a very simple lily to grow and flourish, but it is quite difficult to keep. This is largely be-cause of its liability to mosaic infection. It must therefore be protected by relative isolation and with regular spraying.

In my experience a planting depth of 8 to 12 inches is best, but if the ground is wet or very heavy more shallow planting is safer, in general the bulbs tend to their own level to locate and pull themselves up further down as they need greater depth. This is the lily, more than any other, preferably rodents, moles, squirrels, woodchucks, everyone will be behind them, and if your garden is rich in one of these it is good to protect the bulbs. With these precautions, it is an easy to grow and beautiful lily.

Types of Flowers

The lily family includes more than 110 species of lily, a herbaceous flowering plant that can be found in a wide palette of colors, including a spectrum of white, orange, yellow, red, purple and pink, and with clear markings that resemble pico tees , stains, and painterly brushstrokes. Lilies are delicate flowers with six petals and an elegant, aromatic odor

The most popular types are the Tiger Lily, the calla lily, Madonna lily, Stargazer lily, Easter lily, lily and Morning Star. They are popular as showy garden plants and their root balls can be eaten as vegetables (although, in spite of a flavor and texture to a potato seems, they can be very bitter)

However, their beautiful flower that only blooms in the summer, has led to the lily on an important cultural role, capable of a wide range of feelings when given as a gift. For example, the lily is the May birth flower and the flower used to make a couple to celebrate 30th wedding anniversary. (The lily of the valley, as a symbol of devotion and humility, remember a few of the second wedding anniversary.)